Hello, I was banned from BNR Monday for an image I posted on an article by MOD AndrewAndrew: an image of Bernie Sanders laughing with a block of text showing the words “Andrew Andrew.” Nothing more. I’ve observed participants deride AndrewAndrew, his articles, and his posts in mocking terms. By contrast, I expressed simple humor…
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
1 day off and now entering day 2
One day off and now we’re entering day 2 , extra time off , what gives.
How long is my ban?
I went overboard messing with Jose. I earned a ban. MJM said I was taking the night off. So is this a one day ban or the normal three day ban?
Did I just get banned for using the F word?
I realize I used a bomb, but have seen others use it and worse. But if I did indeed use a banned word I apologize. Can someone guide me to where I ran afoul of the rules?
Lack of Consistency
I copied a senior mod’s comment. My comment was deleted by a junior mod and I was threatened with a ban but the senior mod’s comment remains. Loki (Primus Pilus) wrote: “Stupid anti-American orange fuck should be shot as the traitorous piece of shit that he his” So I wrote: “Stupid anti-American old fuck should…
Personal attack by a moderator?
Moderator “Obey” recently called a CM “a member of the pervert party” and I would like to see if this is OK or not. http://disq.us/p/2yccdin Thank you for your time!
Insulting & Confusing
I do not know how we are supposed to discuss trans issues openly & freely without using language some people find offensive. I get offended all the time during trans discussions. No one gives a shit… because I am nothing more than a mere biological woman (the fact that I have to use “biological” in…
Personal Attacks
Please tell Rawr to stop the personal attacks: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/03/31/seven-children-ages-12-to-17-wounded-in-indianapolis-mass-shooting-police-say/#comment-6426081429 https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/03/16/okay-so-now-marriage-is-racist/#comment-6414870940 https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/03/16/to-move-forward-black-people-must-take-accountability/#comment-6414753627 Approved – Sully
Must I have the MOD tag following my moniker to create OP’s such as this? Political Cartoon, Stiglich
Help with log in
Can someone please re-send the link to log in and reset my password. I missed the earlier one because I was searching for Lori, and it was sent by TUS, and it’s expired. Please and thank you.