I do not know how we are supposed to discuss trans issues openly & freely without using language some people find offensive.
I get offended all the time during trans discussions. No one gives a shit… because I am nothing more than a mere biological woman (the fact that I have to use “biological” in front of “woman” is infuriating, for example) so my feelings, opinions, & views do not matter. That is what I am told on here… by men… all the time. No women have ever said such stupid things to me. Just men.
I am not disputing your moderation.
I am frustrated about the rules of engagement on this issue.
There is no way to discuss transpersons without discussing mental health & mental illness. It is not possible. In fact, Gender Dysphoria is part of mental health/illness. It is a diagnosis in the DSM. https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria. So it is only natural that discussions that include mental health & mental illness be allowed.
I am not anti-trans. I am anti- anything & anyone who is abusive. There is no law against being mentally ill. So why would there be a rule on BN&R about discussing mental illness?
If I have any personal feelings at all toward transpersons in general, it is deep pity because most suffer from very serious mental illness. That does not mean that I think all trans people are fake. Not at all. But the number of genuine cases of genetic/physiological misalignment is infinitesimal. Those persons should be treated with whatever care is best suited for them. NO one should be bullied… especially by folks who say that it’s a mental illness because no one should be bullying the mentally ill.
But then, again, I’m just a woman. My opinions, my views, my perspectives do not really matter at all, only those of transwomen & cis-men matter, as I am made fully aware (by men) on BN&R whenever the issue is discussed.
Sorry, TUS, but this shit has got to change. Please.
(I am not angry with you, just angry in general at the prevailing attitudes of the male CMs & the rules of engagement. Hell, there are not even any transpersons on BN&R. It’s just men getting in women’s faces, calling us TERFs & other disparaging shit if we disagree with them.)
Approved – Sully