I’m just curious what the current policy is regarding OP’s that do not contain a link to review them in full context? A recent OP by CC:https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/10/02/trump-approval-climbs-to-highest-level-of-2019-amid-impeachment-inquiry/ seems to be lacking any such URL.
Category: Closed
A General Question to TUS About Down-voting.
The most significant difference that I’ve noted with this new platform for BN and Religion concerns down-voting. In the prior DISQUS platform, the number of down-votes were never noted. Now they are numerically noted, but their source, unlike up-votes, are not identifiable. My issue with this is the very simple fact that anyone with a…
May I post this here as an OP?
Hello. I would like to make an OP about Marilyn Van Derber, author of Miss America by Day. She was crowned Miss America in 1958 at the age of 21, and revealed her story of incest at 53. She has a number of videos on YouTube, one of which I would like to post. It…
Blocking Mods
I was just banned for blocking a mod… by the mod I had blocked. So of course, it took some doing to see what I had done wrong. Sorry I honestly didn’t realize that was against the rules. Considering all the repeated warnings give to others for threatening violence and etc, I wish a different…
Mark JM delete a new, and very funny meme called moronaconda I created. Is there a way to paste it here? He said I was “inciting violence” which is absurd. I think he is clouded by politics. I am making this place fun and I am so sorry if this meme offends anyone. But stiring…
Hello Baby PutinTrump
I have a couple questions for you.
Second opinion please? again
ZhangWe Primewonk • 12 hours ago • edited My questions was did they treat him medically as a male or female..as drugs and dosages can be different …60% of all drugs actually. How do you even know the victim identifies as ‘transgender’…and not ‘transexual’ or transvestite…how do you know the perpetrator didn’t make him wear…
Why am I still banned?
On Friday I was banned for 3 days, why am I still banned?
Second opinion please?
“So out of interest …do you hide behind a mask when you’re in your antifa mob?” Mr G’s avatar is an ‘Antifa’ ..action .black and red flags symbol. Beyond the pale
All along you could see the number of up-votes a comment received. I just noticed today that you can also see the number of down-votes. Is this a recent Disqus change? I can see the name of the person who up-voted a comment but not down-voted a comment. Why? I’ve always up-voted comments I like. …