I posted several Ops this morning all wee removed without warning or explanantion. We ahve been down this road before and I have been assred that posting Ops is fine even if on a timeout. Has this changed and when will CMs be notified?
Author: Martini
Unfair Deletion
I normally do not contest deletions. But this one I have to. I said nothing in my post that was not true. I did not insinuate anything but the truth. It is not my fault that my nation elected a man who openly stated that he wanted to fuck his elder daughter, allowed other men…
Procedure Not Followed
I have once again been given an open-ended timeout. Can I get a clarification on the timeline?
Advocating violence is OK? Given the number of mods on the thread, it’s astonishing it’s been up for hours.
http://disq.us/p/2zhyxw6 Kelly MODERATOR • 3 hours ago I’ve lost my appetite. Someone assassinate or commit him or whatever and let’s get a serious candidate in there. Please. Today.
Obey off the Deep End again
Please note that he Wombosi flagged the first “sex offender” comment before commenting on Obey’s post to which he responded with the second. You can draw your one inferences from that timeline. <img src=”https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/2024-07-09-12_39_20-REPORT_-Former-Biden-Stenographer-Claims-Biden-Blackmailed-Obama-with-Threats-of.png” alt=”SexOffender1″ /> http://disq.us/p/2zgxe47 <img src=”https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/2024-07-09-12_40_10-REPORT_-Former-Biden-Stenographer-Claims-Biden-Blackmailed-Obama-with-Threats-of.png” alt=”SexOffender2″ /> http://disq.us/p/2zgxwuh Thanks for your time.
Why are Homophobic comments allowed to stand?
So I get a kick off BnR for a day for pointing out homophobic comments should not be allowed. And having an opinion they shouldn’t.
Accused of being a Nazi
Obey 4 minutes ago You would of had to vote on that How many of your fellow Nazis would have supported your vote? http://disq.us/p/2zfqegb Please delete this personal attack.
Is labeling a fellow commenter a racist regarded as a personal attack? If so, can one of the mods remind Thurston Howell of this? Thanks
Please explain how this is deemed ban worthy, thanks. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1fc1d805857bb6567c06d90627bf68246fd0a03a2b6f73717fd57c1aa3e91e7b.jpg
What could my friend catherinette have possibly done to be banned? https://disqus.com/by/catherinette/? She’s one of the most amicable and inoffensive people I know.