goatfucker slang, derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur, vulgar A Muslim, especially from the Middle East or North Africa. Why is this allowed?
Author: Shawsy
Reinstatement of 1 day ban… 3 weeks ago
Why haven’t I been re-instated? Thanks
who is this person I supposedly had a ‘personal attack’?
This OP stand alone not as a reply to a specific user. Who is this person I supposedly personally attacked? thanks for your time Tarifftile Dysfunction©® 13 minutes agoRemoved lol look at the despicable dumbass “I will never reply to you again” and now it’s crying out for my attention. No wonder it misspelled a simple…
Post deleted for being “Anti-semitic”
A meme I posted was deleted by Obey for being an “Anti-semitic trope”. I don’t see how this is in anyway anti-Semitic. The meme was posted on the following story: https://disq.us/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbreakingnewsandreligion.online%2F2025%2F03%2F10%2Fisrael-cuts-off-electricity-supply-to-gaza%2F&key=xRPq87oLvrvbdAwHTqfqqg
Published date vs Updated date
Can I get some clarity on published date vs updated date. Like, say, today is the 10th. How goes the rule on an articles ‘published’ date and that of it’s ‘updated’ date’? ie: article ‘published’ on the 7th, but since, updated on the 8th. TIA, Shaky
Banned after 9 years on site?
I’ve been banned after almost nine years without any issues. Now I’m banned? I’d like: Reconsideration by an impartial moderator/s explanation of rule violation and why banning is the first option used. opportunity to present defense.
Why haven’t I been reinstated? Lefty11
Moderator Overreach 27
In the thread “The Supreme Court Is Just One Vote Shy of Making Trump and Musk Kings“, RAWR decided a comment I made about an entire country “FUCK YOUR SHIT-HOLE COUNTRY!” somehow is a Personal Insult and was deleted. This is a phrase Max147 made to me in that very thread which was not Moderated…
How many repeats constitute a “spam” offense?
and whatever that number is (i.e. 10 times a day), should I flag all of them or just the last few passing that mark? Thanks for your time
issue with a meme
I have issue with a meme posted today. It depicts black people in an offensive and racist way. The comment where it appears is here: A 40-day Target boycott starts today. It couldn’t come at a worse time for the company The identical skin tone and attire of the black people in the meme combined…