I submitted an OP this morning that has yet to be published. It was titled, “Weaponizing the US Dollar. Can It Work?” by Michael Hudson. Please let me know what’s the hold up with it. Thanks.
Author: Patriotic Patriot
Now moderators can dead name using mod powers, and can ban posters.
I’ve made more than one attempt to address Moderators abuse of position to DEADNAME other posters. If it’s forbidden to criticize a mod on the threads, dead naming by a mod should qualify the mod for suspension in all actuality.
Is there a special protection for writer MacDonald?
The below comment was removed for bashing writer MacDonald of the GatewayPundit. Is this person off limit ? Full comment including a reply from DarkGoldenMan with a McRib joke for further context. I’d appreciate an open dialogue with a competent reviewer who could finish reading a few sentences. Thanks for your time https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/gross_transgender_tiktoker_spends_17000_to_remove_six_of_his_ribs_plans_to_make_them_into_a_crown/ Vancing Queen…
After Fossil’s 500th comment starting with “JoseM4 thinks ….. “ I wrote “Fossil thinks Israel started the fires”. I made no mention of Jews or antisemitism. Fossil’s constant over-moderation is juvenile. Please restore my comment. LINK
When is allegedly an insult ?
I was recently banned from this fine blog and I am not sure if my last thing got sent I would appreciate if you guys would look at my last posts here and then look up the word Allegedly in a dictionary or google Thank you
Moderator Obey used “libturd” liberally, are “conturd” & “Modturd” offensive
Reposted because previous question was intentionally ignored & discussion was shut down. I’d appreciate an answer from someone who could finish reading a few short sentences. Thanks for your time https://disqus.com/home/discussion/bnr-den/are_lol_and_libturd_offensive_words/best/
Amen? OP’s can contain anything!
Gotchya. More succinctly, why the fuck am I being harassed by a MOD for bringing attention to a silly ass gif included in his OP that is not in the article? Read up from: ‘Betrayal of trust’: Former Quincy official indicted for embezzling city funds for self-portrait, steaks, music recording, Toyota Prius Signed, Responsible Author
Why can’t I unblock and why can’t I respond on my notifications?
Hello. Is there something wrong with my account? When I tried to unblock a blocked user, I got this in in a red box: ~~”Something went wrong while trying to unblock this user. Please check your internet connection and try again.”~~ And when I try to respond in my notifications, I get this in a…
Are “LOL” and “libturd” offensive words?
Hi, Obeying moderator Obey’s instructions, I brought my questions here: Is “LOL” an offensive word? Moderator Obey used “libturb” on the same thread. If it’s OK to use that word, are “conturd” “trumpturd” “modturd” “Oturd” “Obeyturd” “TurdObey” kosher as well? To be clear, I’m only asking if those things are offensive or not, if you’d…
Ok to post photos of people having sex with goats?
Is it legal to post photos of people having sex with goats? I realize Mark is a MOD so maybe that gets him special privileges to do this? Thanks 💀Darth MJM The WRATH of BNR💀 MODERATOR 40 minutes ago Thumbnail 2 Reply Share › Trump warns Hamas ‘all hell will break out’ if it doesn’t…