I am called terrorist lover, coward, antisemite, child, have my intelligence insulted daily and have my family be called Nazis. Moderators post sick memes accusing gay people of being pedophiles and Democrats of sexualizing children. One person even writes an ENTIRE OP once more accusing my family of lying to me about being Nazis and calls me an antisemite directly. But when I tell off one person (who makes many of those insults at me) to shove their sick accusations I get banned?
No, not even. When I answer honestly, as Smittah asked me to, and he doesn’t think I’m deferential enough to him to ignore his insults, THEN I get banned. Despite again doing everything he asked me to do.
When you decide what your rules are, and that moderators also have to follow them, let me know. I’m not perfect, but if you’re going to apply standards to me that your own moderators cannot follow, and that they do not apply to others, then I have no idea what to do.