I posted an article from News Nation. After 143 comments, Texas Patriot closed it. I see no other article from News Nation. Fearing Trump deportations, migrants start leaving US voluntarily Is there a new BNR rule stating similar articles can’t be posted?
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
Is using “moderator [insert name]” in the comment section not allowed?
VERY confused about instruction from Mod Smittha below, pls clarify, as I’ve seen plenty of people used “mod [insert name]” in the comment section. link & comment below https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/leftist_lawmaker_to_take_a_month_off_work_after_being_misgendered/#comment-6633291000 Vancing Queen ©® I am going to say this once… using “Moderator” in the description of anyone who is in the action of a CM and not…
Need help with my account bu a centurion please.
I’m having major issues on my account that needs the assistance of BNR.
I just got a notice that I was banned? I received no warnings, no notice or anything. Let me know if this was in error. Thanks!
Does this pass the OK sniff test, too?
http://disq.us/p/30jx2yv Jesus_Is_Mexican ¯_(ツ)_/¯ • 3 minutes ago Because this is all you have to demonize the Jews. GFY you white supremacist bigot!
Inappropriate comment from Obey … again
I made a comment to Mariam asking if she was going attack the capitol again if Trump loses Then Obey interjects with this: Obey MODERATOR Big Sal 3 minutes ago edited Are you ready to murder jewish woman and children again ? Will you strap a bomb to yourself ? ———— Is it acceptable for…
Technical issue?
Hello again This morning I was banned for what reason I don’t know. No mod confronted me or deleted my posts or similar. Then the ban was mysteriously lifted about an hour later. Now, I am banned again. And once again I have no idea why. No mod has spoken with me. Is there some…
Accused of being a Nazi
Obey 4 minutes ago You would of had to vote on that How many of your fellow Nazis would have supported your vote? http://disq.us/p/2zfqegb Please delete this personal attack.
What could my friend catherinette have possibly done to be banned? https://disqus.com/by/catherinette/? She’s one of the most amicable and inoffensive people I know.
Ban lifted?
About 2 hours ago, Fred lifted my ban. My posts since then show “detected as spam,” even a simple “LOL” reply to a post. What’s up? Thanks, Bayside Lucas