My post, which attacked Obeys COMMENT was deleted by Darth:
Ed 6 hours ago Removed
The documentation above would suggest your reaction is that of an ignorant moron who gives no fucks about reality, and just wants to grind an imaginary axe. Grind away!!!!
💀Darth MJM The WRATH of BNR💀
💀Darth MJM The WRATH of BNR💀 3 hours ago
Personal Attack Deleted.
Knock it off Ed
The comment didn’t say “It suggests YOU..” It said it would “suggest you reaction is that of…”
Per prior DEN guidance, FRom Darth in defense of fellow mod Sully, I was told the comment to me by Sully– “Your posts suggest that someone has used your head for a speedbag.” was not a delete-able, direct insult as, per Darth, ” Sully attacked your comment, not you.
“Your posts…”
If he said “you” then yes it would’ve been a personal attack. Al clearly knows better.
So Sully’s comment was OK, becuase it attacked “your post, not you”, but my post, which does the same (I don’t see a distinction between “your post suggests” and “would suggest your reaction”
But, I’m sure I will be enlightened as to why Mod Sully’s post is defended as an attack on a comment, not a person, and my post was deleted as a personal attack….