Aye, mods. I’m told that if I want to post again, I need to plead my case. I request to be re-admitted. I had a very bad day and nearly lost a patient during childbirth. I retired this year but I still occasionally cover when the other doctor in my area goes on holiday.
After seeing a woman rip in ways I’ve never seen before bilaterally up through the urethra and anus such that it was all one big gaping hole, and laterally (the pubic symphysis bone was visible through the split) and spending the next hour trying to save her life while the on-call colorectal surgeon got there.
I went home, had a few pints, and when Thurston used the word “convenience” in reference to abortion, I lost my knickers on him over it. I got lower than a snake’s belly by telling him to step in front of a bus and for that I apologize. I was fed up with his smug arrogance in the trivialization of the injury inflicted on women in pregnancy and childbirth. I let him get to me, and I shouldn’t have.
id appreciate being let back in because I do enjoy the channel and the people on it (mostly).
If you decide not to, I understand that decision. I ask though that perhaps you can consider adding descriptions of pregnancy and childbirth as a matter of convenience to the list of descriptions that aren’t allowed. It’s like insinuating homosexuals are pedophiles or something. It’s incredibly insulting given what I’ve seen happen to women when I’ve dedicated my life to helping them.