A comment of mine showing Prince Harry wearing a NAZI outfit was deleted. I understand it technically violated section 7.4 of the Guidelines so I’m not complaining about the moderation, but I don’t really think it fell afoul of the spirit of the rule. I think you guys are trying to stop everyone from posting NAZI memes and raising the discussion to 11. I don’t think swastikas always do. Rawr and I discussed European laws banning pro-NAZI free speech. I jocularly pointed out his prince was apparently exempt from those law. I don’t think anyone here would consider my comment inflammatory. I just demonstrated the selective enforcement of the law. As I said to Rawr, I don’t think the BNR rule was intended to protect the British royal family from embarrassment.
Free advice is worth what you pay for it, but . . . here’s my free advice. Banning NAZI memes keeps discussion civil. I appreciate your goals Banning any and all representations of swastikas protects actual NAZIs and their sympathizers (unwitting or otherwise). You should let people post depictions of people wearing or displaying swastikas. Just ban the swastika memes. It’s not perfect, but I think it’s better. I’d welcome a response, but feel free to ignore me. I’m not trying to tell you guys how to run your business, I’m just offering my own two-cents.
Holocaust Museum condemns swastika flags waved by neo-fascists outside Turning Point USA summit