Hello again ..Just raised a red flag concerning a poster advocating murder Justin Wyatt and don’t understand the deciscion, I recently got 7 days from the same mod for clumsily stating in response to question of what conservatives aren’t allowed to post on some social media platforms concerning homosexuality.
This guys just advocated murdering people that disagree with him on the issue by shooting them in the head with a shotgun. yes the post was removed and he received a warning but not even a one day ban for him to ponder what he’d just done..if anyone suggested that homosexuals should be murdered by being shot in the head with a shotgun..their feet wouldn’t touch the ground and I have no doubt they’d be out of here on a perma-ban almost instantly..we may have different opinions on the issue,but can we all agree suggesting the murders of people that hold differing opinions should be a red line and treated just as severely no matter which side of the ideological fence you’re on.
Thank you