I’m getting posts deleted with the claim of homophobia. I have no fear of homosexuals nor do I hate homosexuals. The fact that I can’t entirely agree with the lifestyle is not the same as hating the person who practices that lifestyle that’s a fallacious argument.
You have an OP that I’m discussing, that tries to distort scriptural teaching on the subject. So I’m presenting a biblical defense for sexual morality and I’m accused of being homophobic. The question is are you wanting an echo chamber or is this a discussion channel where people might disagree with one another. Is homosexuality the only subject that no one can disagree with?
As a Christian, I’m going to argue biblical ethics. But when I do I’m accused of homophobia and have a post deleted
So if we’re not allowed to introduce biblical ethics maybe you should put that in your rules.
But to use the fallacious argument that anyone who disagrees with that lifestyle is a hater totally destroys the idea of a discussion channel.
Maybe you should not allow any discussions on homosexuality if you do not allow any Christian perspective.
KC is the one who deleted my post.