Lord Loki posted he wanted to have me explain to him my comments, and why I should not be banned.
But I was busy answering other posts directed to me and did not know LL had requested to have me explain my comments.
While answering posts from others directed to me, I suddenly realized I could no longer post on the BNR site. I learned too late what had happened.
It seems everyone feels they have a right to NOT be offended. The white ladies thought they had that right, and LL also felt (apparently) he had the same right to NOT be offended by my post (or he was defending THE RIGHT of all those who might be offended by my post TO NOT BE OFFENDED by my posts by banning me and my comments).
Nobody ever asked me if there was content on this site that offends me and my worldviews. The offending seems to only apply when it is the liberals who are offended, not political and religious conservatives.
This seems to me to be far too much unnecessary drama by which to be offended for what I actually posted. I know LL cannot be this thin skinned.
So I am applying for re-instatement to the BNR site as I think all of you are basically try hard to be fair-minded people, though we may be far apart ideologically.