Hi guys!
I have an issue with the voting system. It’s not only unfair, but also unrepresentative of reality that the [new] downvotes cancel out the upvotes. That isn’t what votes like that mean… or not what they should mean anyway.
We users cannot see how many actual downvotes we’ve gotten. We can only see our upvotes fall or their progression slow. That makes no sense. An upvote is supposed to mean that someone agrees with something within the post & a downvote is supposed to mean that a poster disagrees with something within the post. (Of course we all know that clique voting buddies & mobbing also affect upvote/downvote numbers. But, in reality, they indicate two separate things & should be counted separately, in my opinion. Because no one votes up/down on every post, it doesn’t make sense. If we did, it would make more sense to have them cancel each other out.
I don’t think any statistician would count votes this way on this type of forum.
Plus, many people consider up/down vote numbers in relation to total number of comments an indication of a troll. I recently spent a few days on News Views where my nonpartisan views were very much hated & I received untold numbers of downvotes on my every post… & am likely still receiving them as we speak. Why should those downvotes not be tallied separately from the upvotes? I mean, here on BN, I do get an upvote or two once in a while but one wouldn’t know it from my numbers. Am I going to be considered a troll before long as I quickly go down to zero?
I do agree, very strongly I might say, with not knowing who downvotes a post. That is very wise on your part.
Thank you all very much for all your hours (except you, Løki… you shouldn’t spend taxpayer dollars modding these pages). I greatly appreciate your fairness & unbiased moderation.
Enjoy your Sunday,