Hey NV I just posted an article where Rex Tillerson is the primary photo and the video is an interview with Tillerson. So I obviously posted the photo of Tillerson that appears with the article/video. But you bumped it out and replaced it with Trump even though he appears nowhere in the article or video….
Tag: Resolved
Requesting Permission
Before flagging a comment, I ask myself: how would a mod respond if I wrote that same comment about him. If I think he would delete it then I flag it. I was told, “Don’t play the ass wipe everyday with every story”. I flagged it and the flag was cleared. This happened 2 more times…
Rules question
Hello. I’d just like some guidance about something that just happened regarding a moderator. I didn’t want to continue it further in the discussion topic so I’ll bring it here. Here is the post in question. Senators, abide by your impeachment oath Moderator Fred Smith, on an article regarding Senators abiding by their impeachment oath,…
postr removed for calling someone “Comrade”??
post was removed for calling someone “comrade” ? is that an incorrect action? does this mean if im called “cupcake” that is a violation too? Ralphie Cúthail Zomb. 11 hours ago Removed you will have no choice but to get over it. because i will do what i want. regardless of your meltdown. comrade.
House leaders march Trump impeachment articles to the Senate
Moderator is harassing me for no violation of the BN guidelines…please rectify… last time it was a threat against me…what gives? Is this the BN way? John Boggs more of the same… • an hour ago “a large section of the country feels “attacked” personally over this mess ” “and then Trump assassinated a foreign leader / general…
Mark JM’s ungrounded decision on deleting criticism of Islam
Mark JM upheld T9R’s decision without giving any valid reasons, just repeating the ungrounded accusation of “Islamophobia”, which is not even in the site rules. Every religion gets bashed by many posters on this site, unless the rules have changed, I ask to reinstate my deleted comment and prevent moderators from deleting opinions they disagree…
T9R continues deleting comments he disagrees with
This is my comment deleted without any grounds http://disq.us/p/26ov0d8 Nobody should be a Muslim. Islam is the only religion which advocates killing of the Kuffar the non believers as instructed by their perfect example Muhammad. I use critical thinking . I own a Quran and study Islam. There is definitely a plot for Islam to…
Down Voters Now Identified
I just noticed that down voters are now identified in the same way up voters are on a comment. Just wondered what brought about the change and I wondered if there have been additional changes in the discussion format or Mod reporting format.
Requesting a time out for a poster and a clarification for myself
There is a poster, John Crawford, who often pretends to be a Marine. This is particularly vexing to me, as many in my family are Marines and we take “stolen valor” acts seriously. But that isn’t really going to bug me enough to act further on it. No, he often uses that to cover up…
pictures don’t upload?
Every time I try to upload a picture regardless of size I get this message Unfortunately, your image upload failed. Please verify that your image is in a supported format (JPEG, PNG, or GIF) and under 5MB. If you continue seeing this error, please try again later. All the pix are way under 5mg so…