It is to my understanding that there has been zero complaints made in the last 9-days. I am just posting this as a test and to say I didn’t spill Primus Pilus’s beer the other day… Sully was showing off his golfing skills and totally knocked it over. He then tried to blame it on…
Tag: Closed ~ Loki
My Favorite Moderator
Fossil is my favorite moderator because he has me blocked and can’t see my comments. However, he did see my sock (@not_original_account ) and incorrectly assumed it was Kismi. Based on that incorrect assumption he banned my sock. I almost never use my sock, nevertheless I would like it to be unblocked. Thank you for…
One mod gave a warning, the other came in after the fact and banned me
Hello Mods, I called another CM a restricted word, Fred saw it, warned me to dial it back, and deleted the comment. Rawr (who does not like me and has a a history of biased moderation) came in after Fred had already ruled on the comment and banned me. Is this normal practice? Thanks,
The name of a reg CM came up today and it got me thinking. I blocked this person a long time ago. If he/she has since become a mod, I’ll never know b/c I never see his/her posts. Has anyone ever been suspended for having a mod blocked under these circumstances?
What’s the URL to access the site, the older version?
Maria would like to join us?
Hi folks. So, apologies for the shitshow. Was not my intention, and I stepped over the line. And this has attracted more bad behavior. As Mariam is whitelisted, flags don’t work. Would you please check the following? Why efforts to dismiss Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ by liberal media won’t work this time Why efforts to dismiss…
Can we not say a case qualifies as a death penalty case via “death by saw”?
My comment deleted by RawR.. “To clarify- this case seems to deserve a death by saw death penalty execution…” He deemed this a “death threat”. It is not, I ask logic to prevail. My comment speaks for itself. Please reverse the deletion. Thanks.
Mods responding as CMs although blocked
ꕥKimariesingsꕥ Centurion Maple Leaf • 7 days ago We have told you before that we can not answer a blocked CM from the Mod Panel, so I do not know why you assume that this has anything to do with the Mods at all. You more than likely have a regular CM blocked, or they have you blocked which…
How is this okay from a mod? Rules of Engagement No insults or personal attacks against other posters (including moderators) or their family members. i.e. name-calling accusations of rape or murder accusations of incest, pedophilia or sexual activity of any kind with minors accusations of being mentally ill accusations of being stupid a meme or image that suggests any of the above What IS NOT allowed at…
Lack of new articles in the evening
Wondering if I missed an announcement about there being no new articles posted in the evenings? Seems like it has been happening for a while now. Are the mods not working in the evening? Am I supposed to make an effort to post something? I tried year ago and got frustrated trying to get it…