DO NOT PUBLISH THE TWO OPS RAWR RESCHEDULED OF MINE. ie: Rawr 狮 MODERATOR Shaky32 minutes ago edited MOD COMMENT: I’m rescheduling a couple of your ops. Five in a row is too much. Please give others a chance.
Tag: Closed as Waste of Time ~ MJM
Where’s the difference?
I responded in kind to “You really need to shut up” with “If you can’t back your asinine blurts with any substance, shut the fuck up.” The mod claimed to “cleanup” the thread by deleting my response leaving the post I responded too. This seems like retribution for getting some thin skinned MODS in a…
How is this an insult?
“Given that you don’t know what the ampulla, isthmus, or fimbria are – I’m confident that your assessment of my knowledge of biology are about as useful as a sandpaper dildo and worth less than shit stained toilet paper, champ.” How is this an insult? I’m attacking the value of his assessment of my knowledge…
Over-reaction by mod
Hello! It appears that I was banned for three days this past week. Here’s a link to the allegedly offensive comment. It appears that it was removed. Protesters carrying Nazi flags and DeSantis imagery gathered outside Disney World in Orlando, Florida – BNR ( While I mentioned Obey’s name in my comment, I did not…
Publishing Issue / Change
It used to be I could publish directly from WordPress. Something has change since my temporary ban – now instead of a publish button I get a “submit for review” button. Was this purposeful? Can we revert back? Please @ me or I won’t see responses On these questions. Thanks.
Authoring Guidelines
A while back I had an article closed because I violated the unwritten authoring guidelines. I’m wondering if these guidelines are still in effect. Posting part of a paragraph – I was told to “not selectively edit” an article. Post the full paragraph or none of it. Posting non contiguous paragraphs – I was told…
TUS, I can’t believe you made Rawr a mod
The GOP Attack on Ilhan Omar Trivializes Anti-Semitism Really, you made this guy a mod? A commenter who compares Israel with Al Qaeda and other terrorists? If he can say Israelis are terrorists, why can’t I say all Palestinians are terrorists? What about all Muslims? I don’t even WANT to say that because it isn’t…
Are you kidding me?!!!
This moderator insults me: “I banned you for being an arsehole,” and then MY comment is deleted by another moderator?! WTF? What is going on with moderation on this site? It’s basically tag-team bullying where the mods get to insult people and delete their comments without any repercussions. This mod banned me … the ban…
Deviant pervert groomers child sexual predators
Ah, another morning at BNR. Half-Naked Drag Queen Teaches Kid to Twerk in NYC as Parents Watch Calmly – BNR ( “The effort to sexualize and pervert children as young as possible continues at a roaring rate.” “…“queer sex” and other perversions.” Or maybe this one on an OP about where gay people are getting…