Wombosi normally does not get involved in these kind of disputes and has no problem with Bishadi being suspended or banned, but… “Holocaust” IS the proper word for (Jewish) ritual animal sacrifice by burning, which is precisely why it was chosen to describe the mass-slaughter of 6 million Jews in under the Nazi regime, whose…
Tag: Closed as resolved – NV
Flags not working?
Hi, Sorry to bring this to your attention again, but for some reason my question was locked before I was given a chance to reply. Thank you, theunknownsleeper for answering my question about folks not being allowed to call others racist and sexist. So, why are my flags being ignored? I’m being called racist and…
Here we go – what I do elsewhere has nothing to do with Breaking News!
Not sure if my other post went through. I was banned by t9R for apparently trying to dox a fellow user. T9r has no proof of this – I was helping Abbygirl on how to tag a mod. I have proof of the conversation
What’s Your Projection for the 2020 Presidential Election?
I’d like to submit a screenshot of my 2020 Election projection using 270towin’s tool and ask others’ to do the same. I could suggest other interactive sites (if there are any) so as to not appear to endorse 270towin.
Personal Insult.
corner Bamsterman • 6 minutes ago • edited It’s a scheduled event, as opposed to a spontaneous emotional response. How stupid are you, really? https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/06/12/democrats-and-media-cry-racism-over-trump-resuming-famous-campaign-rallies/ corner • a few seconds ago I’ll be interested to hear the opinions. Personally, I think you’re the stupidest person I’ve come across today. It’s just amazing!
Mocking PUBLIC Figures in a thread
One of my recent comments was deleted by Mark JM without reading the thread in context. Reference: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/04/30/celibacy-and-other-sexual-orientations-within-the-catholic-church/ I was discussing giving blood with JP Bunny and THANKED him for giving blood, and then compared that to the TOPIC of the thread — the very PUBLIC Anti-Gay figure Franklin Graham, ending by calling GRAHAM a…
He has previously said he flew to the us in February because his dad was sick. His dad then died and he stood outside of his mom’s nursing home and had to tell her that he couldn’t go to the funeral because of the virus. He then flew back to Europe beginning of March. This…