I would stop creating these submitting but baby keeps posting anti-semitic content: Most Jews and Arabs want to live in peace. Palestinian leaders won’t permit it. This baby needs a timeout and an education on how not to be an anti-semite. PLEASE make sure you @ tag me in any and all threads. thank you
Tag: Closed as resolved – NV
Can you flag an entire article?
How do you flag an entire article? The BN one today about Cucker Farlson’s rant against the CIA includes the word “libtards.” Is the rule against any -tard type word still in effect? Thx.
Not really sure what you need from me Loki. You showed me the post that garnered the suspension. Not sure why calling Robert Mueller a “fucking idiot” gets me banned when the leftist here on BNR called President Trump far worse and don’t get banned. If you can explain that to me fine. As far…
Temporary ban
I was put on a temporary 3 day cool down, this has since expired but I still cannot gain access to the site.
My last few comments have been held up as spam again.
Sexual Refs to Family Members
“[…] where you momma gives blow jobs […]” http://disq.us/p/2g640kj
missing post?
Did you delete a post I made on Pagans Now The Majority in Britain…Again! Where I quoted a book “Lois” recommended and listed some atheists She replied, so I suspect she saw it, but it does not seem to be there anymore? Why?
Black Lives Matter Leader Smears Feces on Abraham Lincoln Statue Flagged this post calling me the b-word, and I don’t mean to rush anyone, but in case there is controversy about letting this stand, I’d be glad to discuss here. Thanks. P.S. I know I picked out a person who was likely to call me…
Personal Insult
Why pending?
Can you please post my comments