C’mon BNR moderators! Be better! http://disq.us/p/2zre7rx http://disq.us/p/2zrbfon
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ MJM
Obey off his leash again
Joe Biden has not been charged nor convicted for Obey to have made the comment “Joe Biden did that too”. Shaky > MPEG 11 minutes ago edited What would you call it if someone forcibly pushed their fingers into your Wife or Daughters vagina?? Judge says E Jean Carroll allegation Trump raped her is ‘substantially…
Is this Really an acceptable article and OP?
Is this really an acceptable post? It seems to go far past normal sarcasm or satire. New chart proves: Trump assassination attempt not as close as previously thought
Since the question of doxxing has been broached, why isn’t this comment toasted?
http://disq.us/p/2zliwj7 Spoken like a true loser! HAHAHAHAHAHA! —- What have you done with your life, Mr. big winner? What is your job title? Since you have spoken so eloquently (sarcasm), what are your biggest criticisms Biden???
How about a Temporary Olympics Category?
Im not sure if this is the right venue, but it says “ask the mods” so I thought I would 4 Years ago the Chinese coverage of the Summer Olympics sucked. For the Paris Olympics we are going to have fabulous coverage, and I plan to partake. I thought it might be really interesting to…
Bolivian Marching Powder comment deleted
Ask a simple question, should get a simple answer? Bolivian Marching Powder is exactly the same phrase as WH Nose Candy. Just look around at all of the BNR’s accusing each other of ‘daytime drinking’? This one is a “Putin Puppet”, this one is a “Russian asset”, this one loves Vodka. Well, who doesn’t? Bolivian…
Why Have I lost Publishing Permission In WordPress?
Yesterday, it was one Mod deleting numerous of my Ops I came here and I was told that was done in error, by a Mod who didn’t understand the rules. At no time during Yesterdays discussion was I blamed for doing anything wrong in my discussion with Smittah. This was all a misunderstanding. Excuse my…
Advocating violence is OK? Given the number of mods on the thread, it’s astonishing it’s been up for hours.
http://disq.us/p/2zhyxw6 Kelly MODERATOR • 3 hours ago I’ve lost my appetite. Someone assassinate or commit him or whatever and let’s get a serious candidate in there. Please. Today.
Please explain how this is deemed ban worthy, thanks. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1fc1d805857bb6567c06d90627bf68246fd0a03a2b6f73717fd57c1aa3e91e7b.jpg
Accusation of Pedophilia
Lord of Light accused me of being a pedophile. I’ve flagged the comment multiple times over the past 2 days but the mods have not removed it. Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Transgender Title IX Changes, Slams Admin for ‘Abuse of Power’