Fred said I had to come to the den to explain why I was upset over images of pedophilia that are now being allowed on BNR I was going to take issue with a clear double standard being allowed here once again by the mods, but instead I want permission to post images of the…
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ MJM
Images of Violence
Are images of violence now acceptable? Link Note: I opened this 2 days ago and am now re-submitting it
Why can’t I post?
What’s up?
Al Ryan Being Al Ryan again…
Hi Folks. Al Ryan has decided he wants to ban me for a day because I mentioned that his friend Andrew tends to post articles that are batshit insane. All while actually complementing him (Andrew) on finding a good article that dives into actual discussion of criticism. I get that actual discussion scares Al Ryan,…
Submission not posted.
I uploaded a story regarding Microsoft buying Activision yesterday, and it still hasn’t appeared. May I ask why not? This is not the first time this has happened. Regards, Rawr
Would you please stop closing Wombosi’s threads, before he can respond???
Ladies and Gentlemen, this needs to stop, please! You cannot continue to basically disallow Wombosi to respond to your ruling or his opponents statements in HIS OWN The Den thread. This is just not right. Wombosi knows that we all have our own schedules and all of us have more important things to do than…
Why am I banned?
Alex Jones
What’s with the ban? You are censoring for user names?
Not transphobic
Posted the cover page of Michelle Obama’s book Becoming, nothing else. If I am transphobic for posting it logic states the former first lady is transphobic for writing it. Please explain, keeping in mind that being a mind reader is not a real thing. Thanks
Five days off from debate club! 😂
So I’m good to go on the main channel where babies are slightly less coddled?