I wrote a SINGLE off topic comment and Rawr deleted it. Is this a case of over-moderation of a conservative or a new rule the mods will be enforcing? If the latter, I welcome the change as certain leftists here continually interject Trump into every thread. And I will assist the mod team by being…
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ MJM
Two issues – two comments deleted. by RawR
1 – Most recent – RawR deleted my post of a meme of Bill Clinton saying “Its not rape if you are a Democrat” Reason given “Unsubstantiated inference – deleted.” I ask mods to review the wiki citation where bill clinton – a democrat public figure – was accused MORE THAN ONCE of rape. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton_sexual_assault_and_misconduct_allegations…
I got this meme from a MOD and is the meme againtsa rule now?
http://disq.us/p/2s10gup Trump said these exact words. It is not speculation that he said these things. It is not false to claim he said these things. He literally said he would sleep with his daughter. ‘I was going to say sex’ In 2013, Wendy Williams asked what two things Ivanka and Donald had in common when…
What banned word?
http://disq.us/p/2s0w1us Deleted comment had been upvoted by another mod, and doesn’t contain a banned word, or use it as an epithet. It does take on another community member for using the term… but… come on! I can’t argue about why the term groomer is toxic and dangerous in an article arguing for the importance of…
mod RAWR flaunting community guidelines
In this comment here: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2022/11/20/at-least-5-dead-18-injured-in-colorado-lgbtq-nightclub-mass-shooting/#comment-6045574939 a clear accusation of a community member committing murder is being made. By a moderator! Community guidelines state: Rules of Engagement No insults or personal attacks against other posters (including moderators) or their family members. i.e. name-calling accusations of rape or murder accusations of incest, pedophilia or sexual activity of any kind with minors…
Request deletion of PA
Pretty straightforward request to delete this PA. Iranian Protesters Deserve the Unwavering Support of the International Left Ryumancer Redleg2 hours ago “Peace isn’t brought about by appeasing a bully. Ask WW2 Britain that. It didn’t work with Hitler, it won’t work with Putin. And if ignoring and appeasing the bully doesn’t work, what’s left? You…
inconsistent/lopsided moderation.
Requesting review of this comment deletion: KC Redleg5 hours ago “You mean the guy that ADMITTED that he did it and why? It’s funny you far righties expend soooo much energy trying to gaslight people, you don’t realize that discerning adults think folks that spread such malicious lies are mentally ill. Why would anyone vote…
Duplicate articles?
BIM and ML are posting the same articles this morning it looks like? Where voting has become more difficult Where voting has become more difficult (Both are from Reuters) Trump Organization Stumbles in Criminal Trial with Nightmare Start Trump Organization Stumbles in Criminal Trial with Nightmare Start (Both are from Politics USA) Right-Wing Pelosi Break…
Clarification on last Den post
Hi folks, Disqus being the chaotic force it is, I didn’t get the chance to respond and clarify in last Den post. As I noted there, I don’t mind you deleting whatever you feel like at the moment, but I do want clarity on rules nonetheless. On that note, I’d like to make two clarifications…
Rawr is absolutely wrong man for the Job
Rawr is acting like a bully already, you need to reevaluate his promotion. Threats of a ban over minor infractions is not how this site should operate. This guy lacks the temperament to be a mod. http://disq.us/p/2roj8vp