My 48 hours are up. Unban please.
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
OP article deleted w/o explanation
My OP article submission was deleted w/o an explanation. I’m interested to know why it was deleted. That is here: Link to article used is here: Please let me know why it was turfed. Thank you.
Misusing CM name
I have had posts deleted in the past for misusing a CMs screen name. The mod stated that this was no longer allowed. I now have mods doing exactly that to my name and would like those posts deleted. Winning! New York Supreme Court rules NYC employees fired over the jab must be reinstated with…
Mocking during moderation/ name calling by moderator in the Den.
Seeing how my last post was closed by one of the mods it involved, after he referred to me as a pussy, I will ask again. Is mocking CM’s while moderating them on the main pages acceptable practice? And why is it that a mod that was related to the complaint can not only close…
Times up. Should be out of jail. thanks for your kind attention.
All my comments are going to spam folder
As title, can I get whitelisted please? Thanks
Screenshot of US Constitution marked as spam?
Hi, I uploaded a screenshot of a section of the US Constitution (at least I believe it was since I can’t see it) and it is tagged as spam? Why?
Aunt Kamimah
Hey guys, Fred deleted a comment of mine because I called Kamala Harris Aunt Kamimah. I’ve used that phrase frequently in the past (often in conjunction with Uncle Joe) and someone even complained about it in the den, but no action was taken. I was pretty sure it was okay. While I guess the comment…
Question about Disqus Settings
When a person makes a post, we can see how many people up-vote the post and (by hovering over the number) see who has done the up-voting. Could the same feature for the down-votes be trund back on?
Why is my timeout still in place ?
What’s up?