I wish to express a heart felt Thank You to the Mods and Staff for going the extra distance in passing OPs on articles of mine that did not have an image to use. Yup. LoL. That includes you too Sully. ;-p Don’t think I didn’t notice. Thank You, Shaky
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
Mod Harrassment
I posted a SINGLE off topic, Rawr deleted it and wrote: MOD COMMENT: Irrelevant to the topic. Please post responsibly. Delete ALL off topics or none. But this selective enforcement of an unwritten rule is annoying. This isn’t the fittest time this has occurred.
Can some one explain to me how the context between my two comments changed with the insertion “gustave le bon.” Also why does a common phychology theory need to be directly referenced to meet site rules? Furteemore the “homophobic” rationale used makes little since when the comment is clearly focused on transgenderism. I would post…
Obey is on a powertrip protecting bigots
That mod badge of his has gotten too big for his head It took place regarding an article about Uganda passing a law making homosexual a death sentence by Rawr: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2023/03/21/ugandan-mps-pass-bill-imposing-death-penalty-for-homosexuality/ iAmerican said “cool” with some emoticons ==> http://disq.us/p/2tlix8s He refers to people that’d just kill gays willy-nilly normal humans ==> http://disq.us/p/2tlj24y And while he…
Personal Insult
DarkGoldenMan The Notorious U.D.W. an hour ago You’re a transphobe. http://disq.us/p/2t8d2n4 Please remove. Thanks.
Is it really a “pedo reference?”
Candymaker Fined After Two Employees Fell Into Chocolate Vat
Gonna need an explanation on this one….
My post, which attacked Obeys COMMENT was deleted by Darth: Ed 6 hours ago Removed The documentation above would suggest your reaction is that of an ignorant moron who gives no fucks about reality, and just wants to grind an imaginary axe. Grind away!!!! 💀Darth MJM The WRATH of BNR💀 💀Darth MJM The WRATH of…
can someone lift my timeout?
48 hours is up.
Why deleted?
Why was this comment deleted? Thank you. Trump’s 2024 litmus test is worse than cruelty
Publicly visible versus paywall
Internet archives are publicly available without a subscription. Is posting links to an archive copy, that isn’t 2 days old, allowed or is it a taboo?