Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
Is some one flagging my posts?
Sorry to harp on this but two things happen to my every post I get a “Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Breaking News & Religion” message My icon/avatar/little square thing is replaced by the default one It does get posted soon afterwards so I’m not too worried But what’s going on?
Awaiting moderation
Hi, for the last few days, all my comments go to “awaiting moderation” rather than being posted. Any idea what’s up with that or what I can do to resolve it? thanks Dan T
C’mon guys. This is not Breitbart, right?
Clarification on sexism
Most of the time, troll comments are just that: wastes of forum space by losers who cannot fathom a good thought. But lately, I’ve noticed a major uptick in calling Kamala Harris a whore. Now, that to me is clearly sexist and misogynistic. It is an insult often used on women in power, and is…
Breaking news
Why am I banned