I do not know how we are supposed to discuss trans issues openly & freely without using language some people find offensive. I get offended all the time during trans discussions. No one gives a shit… because I am nothing more than a mere biological woman (the fact that I have to use “biological” in…
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
Personal Attacks
Please tell Rawr to stop the personal attacks: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/03/31/seven-children-ages-12-to-17-wounded-in-indianapolis-mass-shooting-police-say/#comment-6426081429 https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/03/16/okay-so-now-marriage-is-racist/#comment-6414870940 https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/03/16/to-move-forward-black-people-must-take-accountability/#comment-6414753627 Approved – Sully
Must I have the MOD tag following my moniker to create OP’s such as this? Political Cartoon, Stiglich
Help with log in
Can someone please re-send the link to log in and reset my password. I missed the earlier one because I was searching for Lori, and it was sent by TUS, and it’s expired. Please and thank you.
meme deleted for “unsubstantiated reference” ?
My post below was deleted. http://disq.us/p/2xdhirb Looking for second opinion. I dont believe it violates the rules. What is the “Unsubstantiated inference”? Biden sniffs girls? (He did – its not photoshopped) Biden promised to cure cancer? (He did – that’s a fact) Thanks
Enough with the double standard
I am called terrorist lover, coward, antisemite, child, have my intelligence insulted daily and have my family be called Nazis. Moderators post sick memes accusing gay people of being pedophiles and Democrats of sexualizing children. One person even writes an ENTIRE OP once more accusing my family of lying to me about being Nazis and…
Why is a mod attacking me out of nowhere?
Here is the link. I can also post a screen shot.
Reinstatement Request
I recognize discussing OP moderation should be done in The Den.
Question About Posted OP.
I posted an Op earlier today, related to the linked article, but have not seen presented. Is there a problem with the way I submitted the OP? Thanks. https://www.npr.org/2023/12/12/1218591962/alabamas-upcoming-gas-execution-could-harm-witnesses-and-violate-religious-liber
Technical issue
There seems to be a problem with the ‘I want to be an Author’ submission form.