If Obey was released yesterday mine should be up today. Do I need to be whitelisted too? Thank you.
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
Multiple postings of the same images
“No posting of the same meme/image more than once on a page.” How about no less than eight? Californian dies hours after getting COVID-19 vaccine, prompting probe Californian dies hours after getting COVID-19 vaccine, prompting probe Californian dies hours after getting COVID-19 vaccine, prompting probe Californian dies hours after getting COVID-19 vaccine, prompting probe Californian…
Wrongfully removed post
Not sure my previous post got through, I’m not getting a confirmation, so this is a second attempt. According to moderator FredSmith, calling posters “full of sh*t” to their face is fine. What I wrote did not even address the poster I replied to, yet it was deleted. Biden says ‘nothing we can do’ to…
Pending comments
Circumvention Consequences
Dear Mods: Last week, I posted to BNR using this old Disqus account rather than seeking a lifting of the ban of my “I Told Ya” account. I was banned for violating your rules regarding circumvention of bans. I apologize and would like to resume posting. Also, I have two questions. 1) I…
Im really not sure what’s going on. Some of my posts were detected as spam for being too long I suppose, and now every comment I post goes into pending or is detected as spam no matter the length. Is there any way to clear this up?
Article I’m Trying to Post on Breaking News
Oops… I forgot to provide the link of my article in the last message I sent. Here it is… Hecklers shout insults at Rep. Lou Correa in airport
Why do I always have to ask for an article I uploaded to be posted?
Lord Loki or one of your very good mods (e.g., Navy Vet or Texas Patriot)…. I love Breaking News, but… Quick question: Why do I always have to ask for one of the articles I uploaded to be posted, while it seems others just “upload away” and get their articles posted quickly? The last four…
NAVY VET or other great mods – Can you please post my article?
Article just uploaded… please post… Thank you. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/israeli-at-capitol-storming-we-left-once-we-saw-guns-drawn-654995
Why detected as spam?
Hello: Last night I posted a somewhat lengthy comment that was detected as spam. This is the second time now that has happened. I assume you can read it, or do I need to post it here? Why was my comment detected as spam and what do I have to do to avoid that in…