“White life” and the fascist movement: Hey, at least they’re being honest
Tag: Closed as Resolved ~ Loki
Blog posts aren’t articles
Man, be not afraid. Article rules are pretty clear “don’t post excerpts from personal blogs” This “article” links to a source that calls itself a blog. And… once again… no identifiable author, and no masthead identifying who the publisher is.
The guidelines say: “Please DO NOT post ANY content that is not publicly visible due to a paywall or any other subscription service” This article requires registration before reading it. Multiple mods have posted comments so I assume it’s ok. Can you help me understand why? Link
Flagged this one, but doesn’t appear to be flagged anymore
Right-Wing Truckers’ Leader Gets Arrested While Protesting Non-Existent COVID Mandates in D.C. – BNR (breakingnewsandreligion.online) I think the comment speaks for itself.
Article link with possible virus
Just a heads up – My anti-virus software blocked an “intrusion” when I selected the link for the article entitled “Entire Right Wing Mediascape in Trouble: Fox Facing Possible Bankruptcy Over Dominion Lawsuit”.
Just started getting a banned message, although I’m not when trying to post.
As title P s tried to submit a Den post earlier but it’s not appearing , so this may be a duplicate. Thanks
Account suspended for “two days” by Smittah six days ago.
Account still locked six days after a “two days” suspension. Help please.
I’ve flagged this. Perhaps no one has seen it or is asshole a new / OK term? http://disq.us/p/2pmwxy7
http://disq.us/p/2pmwxy7 DOWG • a day ago with a crime LOL This would require making being an asshole a crime. Actually not a bad idea… Shawsy could be charged and convicted then!
Another day… another problem article…
Colleges Are Ethnically Cleansing America’s White Kulaks This is the same article I flagged yesterday. The article is now on a different site, but who the original author is isn’t clear, and it’s still pointing back to revolver.news to get the article in full. As I pointed out yesterday, the article does not meet the…
The CDC have issued an official warning highlighting a potential increased risk of homosexuals contracting monkey pox at pride events..New York and Canada are offering vaccines to homosexuals , NBC reports this,..I humourously suggest it and my comment’s removed. and I’m told it’s ‘homophobic”.what’s up with that? Thank you for your time