These comments are not anti-Israel, they are unfactual, and falsely comparing the industrial genocide of Jews in Poland (1940-1943) with ongoing friction between Israelis and Palestinians. They aren’t similar, and you’d have to be quite daft to not understand that the common thread connecting the two states… is the Jews. Once again… Rawr…
Tag: Closed as resolved – FS
Post advocating violence against Jews
Israel: leader of far-right Jewish Power party pays tribute to late racist rabbi Reply − Avatar Dig Deep 10 hours ago A far-right Israeli lawmaker, whose surging popularity helped propel former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu back to power in last week’s general election, has delivered a glowing tribute at a memorial event for…
Why is DGM calling for the murder of Democrats still up?
Hi guys, I bet today is a busy day. As such, I brought the following comment to two of your mod’s attention in response to an article that a man murdered someone for being a Democrat: “Sounds like a good enough reason.” Comments far less direct than that have led to permabans. DGM is…
June’s on a tear…
June’s all up and down the OP calling people bigots. General Conference: A Worldwide Church Meeting – BNR ( At least, I assume “desperately pathetic lying bigot” is an insult, somehow…? She’s all mad because someone else called Joseph Smith a pedo, and she thinks I’m calling him one, too – guilt by association.
Ban by Fred
Fred ban me yesterday for the day. Can it be lifted please. As an aside, I know I broke the rules by insults, but you really should consider banning people who openly support kids rubbing grown adults genitals.
The end is near
I’ve tried twice to posting OP about five red heifers being sold to Israel and none of them were posted. What am I doing wrong?
I’m attacked repeatedly, but not all attacks are removes & I’m asked to move along, but not the attacker? Doesn’t THAT act reward rule breakers?? tempest ¯_(ツ)_/¯ • 38 minutes ago Don’t be an asshole. This one remained, is that so the mod doesn’t have to time-out a con? My other concern is clearly I’m being blamed for the rule-breaking because I present liberal idealogy. Can I get another set of eyes on the thread?
Policy clarification, please
Hi, I would like a clarification on how stating an admitted truth can be an insult. Thank you.
Tagging Smittah for an explanation.
Kismi Clickonthewhatnow 2 days ago Removed Here’s another one now,likes his “women” to be men with penises… totally doesn’t have latent homosexual desires…honest. Smittah a day ago Mod Comments Kismi take the homophobic comments to another site they do not belong here. You can take the next 3-days off for this type of attack….
Accusations of pedophilia and incest allowed ?
RandyMarsh JohnBody8 minutes ago No reason to prosecute. The content of the diary says it all. Joe has pedo and pedo incest tendencies. He has raised some pretty fucked up kids – and he is probably the reason they are fucked up. Now he is fucking with the Country How is that allowed when guidelines…