One of the things we can always count is is when @PoliticalSuicide:disqus loses an argument, they lash out with name-calling and vile personal insults. Please review these examples of their attacks… “Correct. Statistical math. It proved you are my bitch and now you are butt hurt. Done flopping yet? Simmer down lil boy.” “Except…
Tag: Closed as resolved – FS
Spam eggs sausage and Spam
Hi all. Suddenly I’m seeing that a dozen or more of my comments here on BNR have been marked as spam. None of the comments I made on other disqus sites have not been flagged as spam. Did someone change my settings or is this a disqus issue ?
Generalisation and name calling of a group.
• Edit • Reply • Share › − “SPECIAL MASTER” Jenny • 16 hours ago In the end, bigots are fighting to be accepted. They won’t be. The sooner this generation of Christian white trash dies off, the better.
Why have by posts been removed referring to “atheists” as idiots ?
EditView Kismi (XXX) Gen 12:3 Kismi (XXX) Gen 12:3 Dreaming4ever 31 minutes ago Removed Anyone’s,well apart from “atheists” i.e idiots,they can only state they wouldn’t desire/behave in a certain way for themselves. Kismi (XXX) Gen 12:3 Kismi (XXX) Gen 12:3 Dreaming4ever 2 hours ago Removed That it’s not predetermined therefore a choice,all choices are subject…
Why have I been banned without notice
Is this about me not being able to hear Sully? Do I not even get notice? Did I break a Channel Rule?
Another meme deleted by RawR – Is the Den getting tired of reversing RawR’s over moderations? Link above to deleted post. Meme makes no “inference”. These are un- photoshopped images of Biden. Please reinstate post. This will make RawR 0-3….
Madam-Gillette made an obvious personal insult Dreaming4ever Madam President-Elect Gillette • 16 minutes ago How old was the pervert Roy Moore when he met his wife? • Edit • Reply • Share › Madam President-Elect Gillette Dreaming4ever • 14 minutes ago How old were you when you met yours, pervert?
CM circumventing ban with sock account
Someone named overandout was banned for 3 days by TUS. “Enrico” promptly posted the exact same comment to me that had been removed by a mod, and is commenting in conversations that overandout was previously having. Enrico · Profile · Disqus Looks like somebody got new socks for Black Friday. 249 churches disaffiliate from the…
Fred falsely claims my post “argues moderation”
Fred falsely claims a post not posted to a moderator,that makes no comment,simply posts comments already posted,.. “argues moderation” <B>No</b> argument was made, I simply posted things already posted on the forum and allow others to draw their own conclusions Kismi (XXX) Gen 12:3 Dr. Vinnie Boombatz an hour ago Removed “Gays would be jailed.”…
Site owner, please
As much as enjoy the love and attention from number two, I’d prefer the final word come from the owner. As a long time poster I feel I deserve that much. 😇