A GOP challenger’s frank talk about ‘sexual sin’ “Obey’s comment seems to be trying to goad you into making a response that would justify them banning you.” Loki and TuS: “Attacking comments will always be permitted.”
Tag: Closed as resolved – FS
Is it Ok to block a MOD?
Hello I have a problem with a MOD called Sully because he speaks/acts like a 6th grade child Is it ok to block this person? Thanks
Being threatened with banning for participating in a conversation?
http://disq.us/p/2v3aaoh http://disq.us/p/2v3a73c http://disq.us/p/2v3a9yj Ugh… I can’t tell whether or not my first post got in. Sorry if this is spamming! Can I please be restored. A moderator who is engaged as a regular comment poster in a conversation may not moderate in that conversation the person with whom they are engaged. This is to prevent…
How long does it take to get a response in the den as I got tired of waiting ?
So antagonistic behavior by Moderation is the new normal for BNR ? You open a discussion and I already left to do other things. I was kicked for name calling ,,,,after a warning 2 x that was never visible till it was too damn late. I called Rwr a name 1x ,,, all other subsequent…
OK, I am here to discuss
I was content with the rebukes I received from Fred and Sully on this issue. As far as I was concerned, the issue was settled and no more needed to be said. RAWR decided to pile on, so I responded to him.
No Disqus field on my post
I put up this post earlier today… Does immodesty lead to depravity? And… apparently it doesn’t get a disqus conversation? Can someone assist me? Is it a PEBKAC on my end?
How is this a “racist comment”?
Uncle Thomas enjoying his $500,000 gift vacation from Conservative hedge fund Billionaire with cases before the SCOTUS.
Request for Change in Den Policy
Den posts used to be open to the complainant, the Moderators, and the subject of the complaint. I am not sure when this was changed, but I feel it is unfair to allow a person to use the Den to continue an insult-laden vendetta against another CM, when that CM is not allowed to answer…
Hey, SCOTUS — the right to life trumps the right to own a gun
For the past hour or so, all of my comments are immediately marked “Detected as Spam” and promptly deleted. Is there a system error?
MOD Moderating a conversation when he is a CM
On the thread “Hey, SCOTUS — the right to life trumps the right to own a gun” I was in a discussion with a CM named John Lewis (@disqus_tzH1PC53ha) on the topic of abortion. Comments and insults were flying from both sides. RAWR jumped on after it was all over to up-vote comments from John…