I’ve seen mention of users being whitelisted and was wondering how it works. Is it done to users who flag frequently, users who get flagged frequently, or am I way off base? Is it done by BN mods or Disqus mods? How does a user know if they’ve been whitelisted?
Tag: Closed as resolved – FS
Response to Navy vet
As I said, getting banned from Den message so can’t respond to Fred on the original Den post or to you.and can’t upload the screenshot on the thread..if you tell me how to upload a screenshot when opening a Den post I will, could you also make sure I’m white listed for commenting on den…
I’ve had several posts marked as spam & removed lately. https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/68938606/look-at-me-i-support-trump.jpg ://i.imgflip.com/2t9a4y.jpg
“Tard” insult / Flagged
“Globetard” … http://disq.us/p/2qbu6mp Flagged, waited, then came here… 🙂 Please delete. Thanks.
why did I get a suspension? No warning?
What was the reason for my suspension, especially with no warning? Not sure what I said.
Republicans Explain Why They Voted Against Veterans’ Healthcare
I compiled a list of portions of pork that were included in the Veterans Toxic exposure bill. Also in the same section of my comment I included the sections of the bill that were open for pork and waste. Now this this let me state, I’m a 20 year veteran, and I most understand what…
Leaked: US power companies secretly spending etc…
Just curious… I submitted this story from the Guardian about 3.5 hours ago and it hasn’t posted. I’ve had this happen about 3 other times in the last month where the article never posts. Wondering if I’m doing something wrong.
Why is a Mod accusing me of being a Sock??
Why is one of your Mods telling the Channel that I am a sock of someone else
Duplicate Article
First posted by Andrew: When Will GOP Leadership Come Out and Say It? Biden is a Traitor. He Must be Impeached, Then Indicted for Treason. Then by DOWG: Biden must be impeached, then indicted for treason Same author… exact same article… but different headlines, and from different sources. However Arcamax (DOWG’s link) specifically identifies itself…
Does this image break site rules?