More Of The Same called me a ‘bruh’, so I replied ” You have me confused with your mother.” Fred pulled it but left MOTS’s name-calling. I called Fred on it and he said I have to flag it. So name-calling is ok as long as it isn’t flagged? I think he’s just a wee…
Tag: Closed as Ban Upheld ~ MJM
Apparently the theory of evolution and scientific facts are “homophobic” ..sorry about that.
Kismi (XXX) Gen 12:3 Persistentlypersistent 11 minutes ago Removed By “gay people” do you mean people that have chosen to identify with the chosen fetish of homosexuality according to the theory of Evolution’s hypothesis? I’m sorry but, that’s the conclusion that must be reached according to the hypothesis of the theory of evolution that demands…
Obey seems to need a timeout
Obey is going on a tear, spamming the threads with personal attacks, comments about a CM’s fantasies (last I checked, those were not allowed), and personal insults. Would you please reign the troll in before he hurts himself?
Communal Punishment? No Thanks.
Fred just banned me because trolls went on my OP and went on insult sprees. I am not violating any rules, and punishing me for their bad behavior should not be acceptable. Please overturn this move. It is not right. I am allowed to post on my own article so long as I do not…
Mod and Channel Bashing 3 Days
Would have been easily resolved if you had dealt with the real issue that I brought up in the first place. So lets do this again. Ive got 3 days of free time Why do Mods have the power to respond to CMs who have blocked them? Nobody else has that power. As long as…
Fake doctorates
Since FredSmith closed the other thread and told me to take it to the Den at the same time, I must post this here. I hope this will clear up FredSmith’s confusion on the law on the internet. “American Ian T. Baldwin, a Cornell-educated professor of ecology in eastern Germany, received a summons from…
Another day, another double standard
Ok, here we go again. Fred seems to think that I am not allowed to point out when trolls keep accusing Biden of being a pedophile, and that it is nothing more than their own sick fantasy. Given that it is (at least as written) not allowed to accuse someone of being a pedophile without…
Why the ban?
feel the three days are unnecessary, the language used may be a tad dated but it fits within the context of the discussion moreover a careful reading of my comments in context shows that the comments themselves were not meant to be racist they were meant to show a particular world view that once held…
Would you trade your liberties for your safety?
After having a comment removed for using the word coon , which I enclosed in inverted commas to illustrate context, like so, ” coon” ,I then resubmitted a further comment explaining to Fred that it was not intended as a racist comment but to highlight the hypocrisy prevalent among many Christians with regard the issue…