On the thread “Through the Looking Glass: CBS Attempts to Support German Surveillance State and Elimination of Speech“, Troll Hunter posted numerous lies about me and my position, but this one crossed the line… “Doc thinks that child porn isn’t obscene and is protected free speech.” (http://disq.us/p/321shfw) Not only is this statement completely untrue, but…
Tag: Closed as answered by Channel Owner ~ Loki
Rawr encouraged me to kill myself twice in same thread
Just want to make sure I can say the same to him. cheers
Take it to The Den they say. OK.
re: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/11/20/donald-trumps-margin-size-is-almost-as-tiny-as-his-mandate/
Alex The Kay
I asked Alex The Kay (Jewish CM) to write something short about anti-semitism he experienced on BNR. Anti semitism on BNR is why Alex quit the forum. This is what Alex wrote to me instead: “GJ, I honestly don’t see the point. The sane people over there don’t grasp it when blatantly anti-semitic content is…