What I was thinking is the top most commented on articles? Or something on the lines on the top 10 most posted topics… I know if it were tags Trump would be #1.
Category: Closed
shadow ban ?
am i shadowbanned
Please review Al Ryan’s ban for no reason
Once more Al Ryan has shown that he has a personal issue with me because he cannot win an argument. Now he is banning me for nothing at all. Could you please review with him how to moderate and reinstate me? This is the comment he banned me for. “Miriam, we’ve been over you posting…
Something wrong with Disqus?
Wasn’t sure where to ask this. Is there a current issue with Disqus not updating? Began happening yesterday. I deleted cookies, caches, tried incognito mode, different browsers from different sources, but it’s not coming from my end, and I can’t find anything about a problem online. Thanks.
Mod Bashing
Because it seems disqus is broken and I hate to make more work for the team. But since I can see there might be the temptation of trying to take advantage of the situation I’ll bring it here. https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/12/29/gop-lawmaker-had-visions-of-a-christian-alternative-government/ rubberband • 16 minutes ago “Texas Patriot” The same one that calls people names every chance…
I Ask for review of spam comments
I am asking for review comments by ModerateMind on the Breaking News discussion “Multiple people shot at Texas church”, https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/12/29/multiple-people-shot-at-texas-church-armed-member-of-parish-takes-out-shooter/ It seems his numerous off topic comments attempting to make race an issue in a discussion that does not involve race at all is meant to spam the thread.
I’d like to know WHY I was banned. Seems I’m by far not the only believer who has been banned and the only reason I can think of is posting the truth unbelievers can’t refute.
“Again, seek professional help.”
US Showdown 18 minutes ago There you go again, deflecting because you can’t intelligently address the topic or are obsessed with pervy politicos. Then, like clockwork, you try to project your own faults into others. Again, seek professional help. Btw: Stay away from children and small animals, too.
OP caught in the lint trap?
I submitted an OP this AM on BN about a gay couple attacked in Pasco, WA. It has yet to surface. I was suitably logged in, or so I thought. Thanks,
Moderator Practices
I recently had a comment taken down by one of the mods without any explanation why. It was biting sarcasm mocking paranoid right-wing conspiracy theorists which, as far as I can see, was not in violation of any community standards. The mods ought to make it a practice when challenging a comment to state the…