It appears my posts have stalled yet again. Thanks
Category: Closed
Mods trolling contributors
OK, so if a mod is posting not as a mod but a commentator and his comment is nothing but trolling a contributor, is it ‘against the rules’ or mod bashing to refer to him as a troll? This refers to T9R and his constant trolling of my comments. I’ve had a post deleted and…
Dispute with T9R
It seems T9R has an issue with my use of the term ‘biscuit’. I have used this term to describe empty headed flaky nincompooped groups of people for years. I readily agree to NOT use the term directed to any individual (even though it seems quite silly to make that an issue given the constant…
ban lift request
I do not understand this disparaging use but I can agree not to talk to anyone about mod decision or rules that seem to change or unwritten rules or any other fight club activities. I even removed or altered any satirical meme that could seem to anything to do with violence. I think…
Polar Party: anti-semite and troublemaker
This is just so I can waste your time like Polar is trying to do. He’s mad because he got exposed as a hypocrite, so he wants to come whining to you all to Make It Better, Mommy and Daddy. Make The Evil Man Stop Exposing My Hypocrisy, Mommy and Daddy. If you all want…
Personal insults from another user
I usually let these things go, but these are personal insults from SrAgri Dreaming4ever SrAgri • 2 hours ago That both men are free? Oh yeah big difference. Miles and miles of difference. Lets throw Casey Anthony in while we are it. All the exact same difference. SrAgri Dreaming4ever • 2 hours ago Courts don’t find people innocent. They find them…
Knight of BAAWA … anti semite and trouble maker
I am not sure you know but there is a person on BNR named “Knight of BAAWA” who consistently makes antisemitic references re Jewish people, eg, burning them in ovens. This is in addition to consistently making rude, condescending and otherwise nonsense comments toward other posters. Thanks for your attention
Question regarding posting….
This is regarding something that I have ran into lately with articles that are recently very short. Maybe take it as a sign that there are no real reporters anymore. I have been seeing 3-4 extremely short sentenced paragraphs. So lately I have found myself just posting the whole article than forcing the reader to…
Trying to get to the “Author a Post” page, getting an error
Getting this while trying to go to the “Author a Post” page and wanted to let y’all know: —- Oops! That page can’t be found. It looks like nothing was found at this location. May be please check the URL for typing errors or start a new search to find the page you are looking…
I didn’t call anyone a name
Navy vet deleted my comment. I have been told multiple times over the years that the name calling rule applies to direct name calling. When conversing with a poster they asked if I could hug it out with a third poster. I responded “with that dipshit?” I never directly called anyone a name and would…