If it’s ok to advocate the deliberate destruction of property, can users advocate other crimes (e.g. bombing landmarks)? Judge denies motion to dismiss lawsuit over Confederate flag in Louisa County Judge denies motion to dismiss lawsuit over Confederate flag in Louisa County Judge denies motion to dismiss lawsuit over Confederate flag in Louisa County
Category: Closed
Personal? Threat?
I did not threaten anyone or get “personal.” This is ridiculous. The person I was responding to was threatening vandalism. Judge denies motion to dismiss lawsuit over Confederate flag in Louisa County
I made an OP, it didn’t appear, so I did the ‘ask to be an author’ thing and I get a box that says ‘there was an error, try again later’ repeatedly. Now what?
I am being accused of something sexual
I don’t know WTF is T9R problem I am getting tired of him sexualizing stuff I post. He keeps accusing me of shit and its pissing me off. Why is this person so confused and accusing me of sexualizing everything. Getting fucking tired this shit. This time you are going to explain to me WTF…
T9R making new rules?
On this post https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/03/07/dnc-changes-debate-rules-to-exclude-only-woman-in-race/ I was told I can’t post a picture of a dead animal? There is nothing in the rules about this. I had a comment deleted when explaining I meant democrats not the specific poster. I was then randomly told to move on from what and to where I have no idea….
fun governor Mod Bashing
On this topic:https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/03/06/weekend-at-bernies/ an hour ago fun governor Liberal Soup N Crackers® • an hour ago yep, that’s all she does.. posts inflammatory bullshit about a poster, a source, or off topic gibberish and scurries off never to reply or back up anything…..it’s a disgrace she is considered a mod
Post getting deleted with no reason.
Just curios what is going on with this OP. I see a lot of deleted comments. If it was a MOD deletion would I see a reason? http://disq.us/p/27ratzi
OPs getting overwritten
Today I put this up: Stocks rise as Biden victories, central banks calm anxious investors and then created another OP about AOC. The second OP overwrote the first. I then switched it back. It’s not the first time this has happened to me. but every other time there were no other OPs created between the…
US Showdown personal attacks
http://disq.us/p/27p1kou I mean I know I rub people like him the wrong way, but calling me a shill and a sock etc all behind my back is just low. And inaccurate. When you get a moment, would you take a look at the comment?
Deleted Comment Called Homophobic by Mod
Hello, I had a comment deleted as “homophobic”. https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/trump_calls_for_buttigieg_klobuchar_to_be_impeached_over_biden_endorsements/#comment-4819463092 Hopefully this will link you to it. It is not a homophobic comment. It was not meant to be taken in a sexual context, but in the ass-kissing context. I think that this particular mod has taken umbrage at some of my comments of late, and…