Primewonk is on a tear because the <i>Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary</i> does not include a definition of one of his favorite words – “transphobia”. Therefore, he has been rather hostile to me, but his last comment crossed the line: <blockquote>But you go right ahead and be an ignorant hateful transphobe. I wouldn’t expect anything less from…
Category: Closed
Paging Adrianarileymiller-cuevas….
adriana riley miller- cuevas, we need to have a discussion w/you before your reinstatement to Breaking News and Religion. Just want to clear something up before you’re released.
I assume calling a CM a pervert is considered a personal attack and not allowed per the Community Guidelines. So is this comment directed at me any different: You sound like Mike Huckabee. And he sounds like a pervert It was a weak attempt to get around the guidelines and, if allowed, will open the…
Sorry to complain. I know it’s been a busy day, but this just seemed egregious. There’s a couple middle comments, but the thread is short.
Acgogo Acgogo FVCKDEPLORABLES • 7 hours ago White folks with guns = always good and noble defenders of their race, so we are told, by white folks with guns. corner Acgogo Acgogo 6 hours ago White folks with guns = always good and noble defenders of their race, so we are told, by white folks with guns. That statement…
Times up on the time out
Hi guys my one day time out should be about up by now. thanks
Delicate hothouse flower is a personal insult?
So what exactly was the insult? Delicate? Hothouse or flower?
explanation sought
Which policy does my removed comment on the “Obama is panicking” article violate?
TOS Question
I know the term “retarded” is banned under the TOS, but the other day I was writing a comment about a person I briefly encountered as a child who was what we would have called “retarded” a few decades ago (he was a teenager who could barely speak and was not able to attend school…
Acknowledging the purpose of articles posted in plain language is racist?
“But don’t you get it? All these stories are here to show the depravity of black people, the McMichaels may have gotten the wrong one this time, but that still doesn’t mean blacks are not a problem.” So this was deleted as racist, I don’t see the racism in this post. I see me recognising…
We need to talk about Al Ryan’s one note existence as a commentator
There are plenty of trolls in any forum. I find it strange that one troll consistently violates a basic rule of the forum and is rewarded for it with a moderator position. Al Ryan posts almost exclusively the following insult, in mostly the same form: “People who oppose Trump or like Democrats are stupid” Now,…