Hi, I’ve just discovered for the past couple of days my posts have been invisible to other posters. They appear on the site, but not in my profile. Anything you can do? Thanks, Lew
Category: Closed
How to post using WordPress???
Inquiring minds want to know!
Let us be honest about what happened today
So there were two dead trans person stories posted today and it seems I have been banned for participating in the fun. These stories were posted and particular cms were tagged in order to bring attention to the stories. We all know the goal here was to make light of the deceased, misgender the deceased,…
Judge slams the brakes on William Barr’s abuse of power
Navy Vet, upon deleting a post: “Calling someone a hypocrite is an opinion and not necessarily a fact. It is ALSO an insult. ” Very interesting, as in the past I was called a hypocrite, and was specifically told by Loki that that is not a personal insult, and therefore is allowed. Unfortunately, it was…
Judge slams the braks on William Barr…
So, this is acceptable from your mods? ——————- Al Ryan Knight of the Realm Ed • a day ago Your posts suggest that someone has used your head for a speedbag. ———– Not only is it a personal attack, it mockingly suggests metal disability. Perhaps he’s even allow to use “-tard” word, too?
Serial Downvoter
SrAgri is serial down voting me and other people like boomergal on this thread and every thread I have posted on. I want to thank HudsonKV for showing me that downvoting is not allowed and should be reported to the den. Sragri down votes CM’s that he is not even in a conversation with. He…
Disqus notifications not updating
I have noticed today that my comments are not appearing on my profile page. Can you help? Regards Maz
Affirmative action is reverse discrimination
I believe affirmative action is reverse discrimination. At times it results in mistakes because the best qualified candidate isn’t necessarily hired. So I wrote: “Amazing how often Affirmative Action hires turn out to be a mistake” My comment may be racial but it’s NOT RACIST. Are you really going to delete all non-PC comments? Are only…
Lesson learned? 😂
Times up.
Serial downvoting
Best in Moderation has started to abuse the flag feature in a conversation we’re having here: http://disq.us/p/298mkya and http://disq.us/p/297twz6 We have numerous responses back and forth between each other. And about halfway into the conversations, he’s decided to start downvoting just about every single one of my responses. I don’t care about a few downvotes…