So I’m suspended after bringing to the attention of A BNR MAGAMOD an “offensive” racial epitaph. The “offensive” word in question is Negro. The phrase posted by a MAGAT here was “magic negro”. First off, Negro is certainly considered “offensive” as practically any online dictionary entry will attest to: Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages ·…
Category: Closed
Use of the “offensively term Negro
The racist label “magic Negro” is springing up here at BNR by the MAGATS and is ignored by the Mods (no surprise since it’s directed at VP Harris). once again the double standard remains intact. I post Uncle Thomas and the ever vigilant MAGAMODS come down on me swiftly and harshly claiming “racism” (ironic). This…
I’ve used this meme before, why am I now banned for it?
So, in my original posted comment, I said this… “.. then, you have real cowards… calls Trump an “idiot” one day, and slobbers Trump’s knob when offered to be Trump’s VP choice…. LMAO! Let’s keep things family-friendly Conservative-Minion I understoond this to be a reasonable request because I used the words “slobbers Trumps knob,” which can…
Pictures of Blood & gore. Not really what I’d like to see, especially given the guidelines against it.
Graphic images of death, gore, blood, feces I’m surprised this post can stand since the blood & gore is so obvious.
TUS, Do you condemn or commend this comment? “Yeah, but they can’t be “real” Jews. They haven’t celebrated killing Palestinian children yet.”
Rawr Anti-Semitism
One of Gaza’s last functioning hospitals is emptying out as Israeli forces draw near “What the fuck has it got to do with you, bignose?” (mod bashing deleted ~ TUS) (mod bashing deleted ~ TUS)
Clarifying Question
On the thread “Ohio State Representative Insists the Democrats are the PRO. LIFE. PARTY.”, Rawr removed the following post due to what he called a personal insult… “You are pro-abortion and you bitch constantly about things the RightWing does that you don’t want them to do. So FUCK OUTTA HERE with your hypocrisy and projection.”…
Lord of light
NYU clarifies antisemitism policies to include instances of anti-Zionism I recently posted a comment about how gays for Gaza should be parachuted into Gaza. It was deleted for violating some rule about violence, even though no violence was mentioned in my comment. These comments by lord of light violate the same rule and need to…
Is using a jpeg with the persons legal name doxxing?
Is it allowed to post a jpeg with a commenters legal first name? Everyone now knows I’m followed around by some poor sot who seeks me out all over the internet, as has for years. I thought making comments directly about a person on the thread was not allowed, but I could be wrong….
Calling Wombosi The Unfuqwiffable, Esq to the Principals Office
@mrwombosi:disqus if you would direct your attention to this Den thread as your original one has been closed. I must apologize as my colleagues were unaware of the full details of who the Roma and Sinti people were. By the time I logged on the prior Den thread had already been closed. They were not…