Again?? Why was my comment removed? Shaky > Sully 2 hours ago Says a Furry that spends way WAY too much time in bedrooms. — Smittah > Shaky an hour ago Mod Voice Shaky personal attacks are not allowed. //deleted// You have been warned about this.
Author: Shaky
Sully once again banning for no reason
It’s like clockwork. I post an article showing how people are committing war crimes and murdering children, the far right nuts of BNR come to excuse and celebrate the actions, and then a far right biased mod who has personal issues with me bans me for pointing it out. Aren’t you tired of the same…
Improper ban
The ban on GE clearly states it is for the night. The night is long since past so GE is no longer under ban. You just havent caught up to your mod duties. Since CE is no longer under ban as the night has long since past, I cannot be breaking a rule posting as…
Is this circumventing a ban?
This question involves Great Escape (aka Max147). Great Escape and I were having an argument and things got to the point where he started violating the rules which then resulted in him getting a warning from Rawr. Great Escape ignored the warning and continued to the violate the rules which then lead to him getting…
Closed — no date of publication of artricle — TP
This article was closed because the moderator reviewing it could not determine the date of publication of the article. If the moderator had looked at the URL for the article ( ) they may have been able to discern it was from today. If that is not enough the home page of the website…
Just Curious About a Comment
“Why do God’s “Chosen People” act like such total dicks?” Israel Is Not Committing ‘Genocide’ in Gaza I am not in a tizzy about it (I don’t allow myself to be put in tizzies by BNR trolls anymore) but I am curious why this comment is allowed. Seems fairly anti-Semitic to me. Thank you. @TheGayJew:disqus
“These animals need to be exterminated”
Please put a stop to this.
Has my timeout timed out
See title
Rule 34
re: Do MODS here know what ‘Internet Rule 34‘ is? And do these same MODS have a sense of humor? I mean, we are all avatars here. Chosen of our own liking I did not post the image. THAT I realize would have demanded a punishment. But really, linking it gets me a 2-day…
Thank the owner and the dedicated Mods for providing and maintaining this site. It is the best multi-opinion site I have seen.