Dutch As Mariam • 8 hours ago Pedo Joe strikes again
Author: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Accusation of Pedophilia
Lord of Light accused me of being a pedophile. I’ve flagged the comment multiple times over the past 2 days but the mods have not removed it. Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Transgender Title IX Changes, Slams Admin for ‘Abuse of Power’
“Please do not target CM’s, much less a Mod, with memes.”
Hello. I was just checking out The Den, and saw Fred Smith say this to a CM: “Please do not target CM’s, much less a Mod, with memes.” My question is how far this goes. Sully frequently targets me with memes. I mean, VERY frequently. Here are two examples: Is this appropriate…
Ban lifted?
About 2 hours ago, Fred lifted my ban. My posts since then show “detected as spam,” even a simple “LOL” reply to a post. What’s up? Thanks, Bayside Lucas
Hello, I was banned from BNR Monday for an image I posted on an article by MOD AndrewAndrew: an image of Bernie Sanders laughing with a block of text showing the words “Andrew Andrew.” Nothing more. I’ve observed participants deride AndrewAndrew, his articles, and his posts in mocking terms. By contrast, I expressed simple humor…
Mod calling me racist
Obey is deleting my comments that have not broken a rule and calling CM’s racist.
One of your moderators calling me racist “Sorry racist, what did you say ?” Hi, Obey just called me a racist. Kindly remove and tell him to stop posting blackface pictures while you’re at it. Thank you.
Unz OP
This is just a let us call it administrative inquiry about the Unz-sourced OP about the Julian Wood murder… Wombosi noticed that the OP was closed, but did not see any remarks in the comments or under the OP text itself, as is custom for most closures here. Though he has a guess for the…
Anti-Semitic Comment?
No, but Jews regard themselves superior to everyone else. “God’s chosen people” and all that bollocks. Hello, Just curious – does this comment not violate channel rules? Are generalizations about other religious groups acceptable? Thank you for your time. GJ
I have a comment marked as spam and it is not: Discussion on Breaking News & Religion 977 comments [Mostly] Male Homosexuality in the “Holy” Bible SayWhat edwinrad 13 hours ago Detected as spam The I AM of Exodus 3:14 was an angel (Exodus 3:2, Acts 7:35). No one has seen God (John 1:18; John…