Hi folks, I got tired of Obey’s sick comments, told him where he can stick them, and then when TUS came to his defense, I said I was done with him. For that I am to be banned? (mod-bashing edited out – TUS) So I request you reverse your ban as I am complying with…
Author: Best in Moderation
Flags getting answered in a timely manner
I flag a live thread with Moderation right above to the sound of crickets. how many flags does it take to get some attention.
Flagging taking a day to get a response.
I flagged an attack that was edited by the time a mod responded a 12 hours late. A day later we are rehashing an EDITED post.
BNR Rules on Mods Blocking Posters
Are there anbeing advised not to Block y? Its suggested that we posters dont Block mods, what is the BNR stance on Mods Blocking posters? Wouldn’t the reasons in the BNR Rules for us not to Block Mods be the same in both directions? If a Mod is incapable of interacting with the posters why…
Words have definitions. Retard – delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. “our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties” A study showing that the shot may have doubled *cognitive impairment* warrents the use or “retard” in its it proper use case. Just because the word invokes some bad feeling doewnt mean…
Flagged but never addressed
The frankly you are a piece of shit. Simple as that. Shall I respond to this personal insult from @Slava Bem in kind or will this post from yesterday be moderated? please advise.
deleted comment
I had a comment deleted by moderator Rawr 狮. That comment was: Jeeves S. Krites is making stupid comments on Disqus. Link to the comment was: Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage The moderator referred to this as a “personal insult”. Now, I had edited the comment, as the orginal comment referenced the CM’s username,…
Incorrect deletion of comment
In the thread “Looting renders aid delivery too dangerous for UN as trucks languish in Gaza – WSJ“, I was having a discussion with another CM. I told that CM… “Wombosi is nothing but a liar that can only regurgitate the stupidity fed to him…” I was clearly calling Wombosi a LIAR and stating that…
Joe Dendy is a pedophile
I called Joe (Denny) a pedophile and included a link to the article describing his activity. Link Why delete the comment?
“Pedo Pete”?
More pedophilia accusations… http://disq.us/p/2z7fwdk Just make it easy on yourselves and put it on the block list.