Just wondering if my ban is up yet? It’s the third day. Thank you.
Author: Sufferin Succotash
Looks like I’m still banned.
Kim/Loki: Insert/image doesn’t let me upload from my photos library (like it always did) of the problem here. But I tried to respond about 10 minutes ago to a post on the Off Topic Thread by Abandon all Hope’s picture on the Butchart Gardens, asking if it was color enhanced, and got the message “We…
OFF TOPIC 19-09-2019
My comment, a posted pic of Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean), is regarded as spam and was removed. Am I blacklisted? I used to comment on the old site with no problems. What gives??
There will be a $5 charge for whining :(
Having never been banned before, I’m using the first of my three-day ban to self-reflect, as suggested. </a> http://disq.us/p/24epaoy Yes, good idea. As I reflect here, I realize that I may go down in the infamous “blaze of glory” (in the form of a permanent BN ban, or self-inflicted permanent ban, by way of this…
The Ultimate Personal Attack…”You married a prostitute.”
I request a permanent ban for this user, Decent Thermos Raul IMHO, only a permanent ban should apply in this case…a case which is hardly unique or exceptional with this poster. No man…NO MAN should ever have to endure the insult, “you married a prostitute.” My own Disqus profile is here: https://disqus.com/by/ubudianroy/
This guy is messing with you mods
Survey finds one in 16 women call their first sexual experience rape So he is calling posters racists through other posters. “You are defending a racist” to me when talking about Fred Smith. This is troubling to me. It seems to skirt the rules a bit. Andrew, I’m sorry I am high maintenance but I…
View in discussion function not working.
Why is the “view in discussion” function not working?
view in discussionw in
The “view in discussion” is not working and nobody seems to be tending to it!
Incorrectly accused of “channel bashing”
Hello there! Recently, I was accused of “channel-bashing”. I was not and it was not my intent to do so. Here’s the post in question: https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/money_from_nothing_democrats_socialism_for_free/#comment-4620459832 In this, I was simply analogizing and showing how the “it works until it doesn’t” argument is a specious one. I was not bashing BN&R whatsoever, and I love…
Bring It On: Conservatives Are Ready and Willing to Re-Fight the Kavanaugh War
What seems to be the problem?