Happy Sunday all! I appear to have lost trusted poster status in the Disqus tech circus. Would you be amenable to reestablishing it so I can rec and comment on my posts? No rush; it’s a Sunday, after all.
Author: Best In Moderation
Advocating Violence ?
I regard to this thread https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/11/02/smugglers-are-sawing-through-new-sections-of-trumps-border-wall/ I had a comment deleted that simply stated: “We need a stronger wall and maybe motion activated machine gun turrets.” I was deleted by NavyVet with the comment that it “Advocates Violence”. Normally, I don’t care about deleting my posts, and NavyVet has done this a few times with…
Flag feature still not working
I have flagged a couple posts today and asked a mod (she may have logged off) but have not seeing any action and it has been hours since the first flag Nationals pitcher Sean Doolittle declines White House visit saying he ‘just can’t do it’ I’m not wanting to get into it with a poster…
Further Clarification
Forced Conversion to Christianity or Die by Annihilated. In the discussion linked above, there are three commenters asserting religious belief is necessarily the result of brainwashing. This is a negative generalization of an entire non-political group. It implies that all parents of Christians are engaging in psychological abuse of their children. Note, Ellabulldog actually acknowledges…
Sleazy Whores (cont.)
This additional post is not about disregarding your decision, but merely about – and Wombosi has seen this and remarked on it before – your (as in mods in general) tendency to close den threads too quickly. Most of us have other things to do and it usually takes several hours for initial responses here,…
Banning without Notice, and posts going to pending in The Den
It appears I was also banned for reacting to a certain persons post. I give a lot to this channel. I tried to contact Mods, but there were only two of you. So I did my best to bring attention to a post that IMO was severely in contradiction of Disqus and BN TOS. Honestly,…
Article Approvals
What is the process for making submitted articles public? I repeatedly find this order of events 1) I submit articles 2) new Articles that aren’t mine are published, but mine aren’t 3) hours later, a different mod finally publishes my article. What mechanism, if any, is in place to ensure mods don’t pick and choose…
What is going on with Andrew Andrew today?
https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/11/01/__trashed-8/ Ok, I know you’re currently considering my appeal on a ban from AA, but this post is just beyond the pale: Andrew Andrew Mod Amosd • 24 minutes ago Stay on topic 1 • Reply • Share › Amosd Andrew Andrew •15 minutes ago I thought the topic is how ridiculous trump looks/acts. 1 • Reply • Share › − Andrew Andrew Mod Amosd •2…
And there goes Andrew, posting lies and whining about being called out on it.
So Andrew Andrew decided today he wanted to post an immature blog, and then was upset that someone would tell him that no one thought it was mature to do that. This obviously means he should abuse his moderator status to ban me. I mean really, are we playing this game AGAIN? I get that…
What’s up with the approval thing, am I too harsh?