. Why is a MOD allowing a personal attack from a poster to go on? . Trump Inspires MassShootingsBV • 39 minutes ago Yep, heading to the red welfare states that California supports! 2 2 • Edit • Reply • Share › Abby Normal Trump Inspires MassShootingsBV • 32 minutes ago Are you that dumb? Really? .
Author: BobbaVette
− T9R5 hours ago Closed as resolved NV How to prove you’re an anti-Semite in GayJew’s eyes: Say Israel is incredible instead of perfect. —/— how is lying about me acceptable for any commenter, much less a mod? I’ve had it to the end of my rope with T9r and the reliability with which it…
Post wrongly removed
I was commenting on GayJew’s post about Ilhan Omar on the Religion page when a non-Religion moderator, Aloha 27,, threatened to remove the post because it was “too old.” Upon being told that isn’t a rule on Religion posts, Aloha then insisted that it still had a date on it, as though Religion posts are…
An imposter to zap?
Is someone being naughty? It’s really quite surreal to see this “Ana” with the profile pic as anono go back and forth. Kentucky rally crowd behind Trump all wear ‘Read the Transcript’ shirts
Can someone look at my post and tell me exactly what generalization rule was broken… . “Trump Inspires MassShootingsBV 2 hours ago More hate from white RWNJ’s….seems violence is all RWNJ’s know.” . No generalizing about entire non-political groups of people (religious, racial, gender, sexuality, etc) .
T9R making ungrounded demands and then deleting the answer
I was approached by T9R with demand to not promote my new website, although I didn’t do it. Now he’s deleted my comment reacting to his ludicrous demands. If a mod has nothing to do but attack a poster for no reason, why am I not allowed to answer within this site rules? Here is…
a 3 day ban for now allowing people to call me a Nazi ?
You have got to be kidding me, do I understand this right.You are now allowing people to openly call others Nazis ( a CLEAR personal insult) and chime in with “goosestepping” comments and … I’m the bad guy for getting upset ? I did not call anyone a name or insult anyone in that exchange,…
Mother agreed to let husband rape girl, 8, and turn child into his ‘inferior wife’
If someone post pictures to a story and the picture clearly shows the person without having to second guess what the picture is showing, and the poster of the story depicts what we as a nation with laws, depicted a story where the mother of a child, an 8 year old girl, allowed the “man”…
Smuggling gangs have sawed through new portions of Trump border wall: report
Apparently, comments trashing liberals are fine, but saying anything critical of the far right commenters who dominate this forum result in banning. No great loss, there are plenty of Disqus forums where rightists are treated appropriately. Bye.
Do we now recommend/suggest painful suicide to politicians? Tower climber guy • a day ago Bye Beto! No one will miss you! Maybe a bleach milkshake will make you feel better. Tower climber guy Third_Party_Now • 12 hours ago Suicide is not violent. It’s self inflicted. So if you are going to flag, at least pick the right reason. By your standards here,…