I think one of my articles stalled again, can you push it through please?
Author: macko
Personal vendetta by a mod
This was posted after I was given yet another three day ban. Sir Tainley 👽 🔫 Hudsonkv an hour ago I have asked Shawsy why he insists on testing the voltage in the electric fence like the dumbest raptor in the cage. His answer was “you can’t call me stupid!” so I’ve upped the voltage….
Approved Sources?
Have you given any thought to re-instituting the approved sources list? I have no problem when people attack my comments or attack the source of an article I posted. But to attack me for posting articles from a particular source crosses the line. I’ve flagged these comments but to no avail so I guess it’s…
Forgot photo
Hey guys I just mistakenly posted an OP without a photo. Since I cannot edit myself can you throw a photo in for me please? Title: “Republicans buy into Trump conspiracies to blunt impact of impeachment hearings”
Broken interface
Am I the only one unable to use Disqus BN with an Android? It is severely buggy. Christopher
Voting system
Hi guys! I have an issue with the voting system.  It’s not only unfair, but also unrepresentative of reality that the [new] downvotes cancel out the upvotes.  That isn’t what votes like that mean… or not what they should mean anyway. We users cannot see how many actual downvotes we’ve gotten.  We can only see…
3 day ban for advocating violence
T9R 40 minutes ago Your ban for advocating violence starts now, David Adams. It will be over on the 26th. This is getting ridiculous at no time have I ever advocated for violence. I posted a meme the same meme i have posted at least a dozen times over the last 2 years of Hillary…
One mod (NV) OKed a meme, then Mark says it can’t be used?
http://disq.us/p/25pyfae NV already approved it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16e75c73eed01f7d7a32e787648f0b82b494b7f7bc8033dedbae36285fc148d3.jpg I guess what I’d like is consistency & the post returned.
Submitted articles not appearing
To whom it may concern, I have noticed that many of the articles that I post don’t immediately show up, some don’t post for days. How can I ensure my information is treated with the same urgency as everyone else’s articles? Thank you, macko
Using the “C” Word
So, in the following thread, a poster named LV2LA wrote the following of a female poster: “LV2LA  “A Tough Guy” Jenny • an hour ago I will stop just for you because you are such a nice person Jenny, but I’m sure I will C U Next Tuesday.” https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/11/22/support-flips-against-impeachment-as-trump-approval-rating-jumps-poll/#comment-4699090842 Now, the “see you next Tuesday” remark is a…