Banned forever?
Author: "Suckers&Losers" Jenny
Consideration for reinstatement.
Good afternoon BNR Mods… A few months back I was banned from BNR for inappropriate comments including memes. They were ignorant comments that have no place at BNR. I was not paying attention to the fact that comment history can cumulatively impact your posting privileges at BNR. In other words, if I got modded for…
Comment removed that broke no rules
In the thread “Federal judge says New Jersey’s ban on AR-15 rifles is unconstitutional“, RAWR deleted a comment I made as a personal insult where I told a CM that they were “full of shit”. That insult has been used many times on this board and it has even been stated by Moderators that it…
Here’s What Kamala Needs to Do to Win, And She’s Not Doing It
Still banned? 5 days?
Why so many stories posted from a single CM while others languish
There are currently 6 out of 12 stories from the same contributor on the main Breaking News page. I understand AndrewAndrew enjoys support from most of the Mods here but often I have stories sitting for hours in purgatory until the MAGA well has run dry.
BNR Moderators: “Heil Hitler”? “Hitler wannabees”?
C’mon BNR moderators! Be better!
Why do MODS post OPs on three day old articles?
And editorialize thru Tags? Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms
STFU used generally inside quotations (and not at a CM) is a banned acronym?
Just wanted clarification on this deletion. I used STFU in a hypothetical quote, not directed at a specific CM, and it got canned. just want to clarify if that’s not allowed in general or was it mistakenly perceived as being directed at the CM? Trump and His Allies Adapt to a New Role: Fighting for…
re: JD Vance, Sofa King Hillbilly [CLOSED AS NON-COMPLIANT (Political Solicitation) ~ MJM
SirMarkJM:disqus Not being a weenie, but where on the article page is asking for political donations? I don’t see it, thus I’m asking. The ‘Make A Donation’ on the page is to donate to Daily Kos itself. Not ActBlue. Though they are mentioned on the ‘Make A Donation’ page they’re only the pymt processor. Asking…
DOXXing Attempt
On the thread “The planet saw its hottest day on record“, a CM (Troll Hunter) made several attempts to DOXX me, both demanding I tell him where I live and posting the name of a City. I flagged these comments, to no avail. I brought the matter to the attention of a Moderator who attacked…