With Rush Limbaugh coming up in the news from the SOTU, there have been some questionable comments. http://disq.us/p/27497o4 The guy was just diagnosed with lung cancer and is undergoing treatment for advanced stages. I understand the policies regarding public figures, however I recalled this being one of those things that were crossing the lines.
Author: smittah
Why am I blocked from certain articles?
Why am I blocked from accessing certain articles? Also, why do I need to login on every single page?
Comment threads are getting closed down rapidly
Comments for the post about the RI priest denying legislators communion was shut down really quickly today. I noticed the same thing happened on another post yesterday (I don’t remember which). Is there a change to the comment policy or was it determined those threads violated the TOS? It seems like a change from previous…
As promised, abbygirl, this discussion is here to resolve our dispute. Sir Tainley will be mediating. Feel free to speak your mind.
Deleted Comment
My comment was deleted and the mod wrote my comment is racist and isn’t funny. All I wrote was “wow“. A Chinese doctor made a stupid comment, I didn’t make a joke of it; I didn’t write “wow, ha ha ha ha” or “wow :)” or “wow, so true”. Seems like T9R is being overly sensitive…
homophobic insult
Calling Lindsey Graham “Ms Lindsey” is a homophobic insult Insulting a Politician or other public figure (while allowed) must not be homophobic Lindsey Graham faces revolt from GOP lawmakers over plan to investigate whistleblower: WaPo reporter
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Howdy howdy. I want to preface this with the fact that I am not interested in up/downvote accumulation. I vote based on my opinion of the specific comment, not the individual. I have upvoted comments I agree with even if someone I dislike posted them & downvoted comments by people I respect when I drastically…
Did you really ban me for Barack the magic negro? Rush played this song so many times on his show, I don’t see why me acknowledging this fact and calling attention to it in a comment section about rush getting cancer should bring about a ban. I ask that my comment be restored and my…
Deleted post
Moderator claims that I made an inappropriate comment when I indicated child rapists and murderers.
Users posting outdated articles.
As title states. https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/02/03/over-500-law-professors-say-trump-engaged-in-impeachable-conduct-in-his-dealings-with-ukraine/ I’ve seen this one re-posted a few times. There has been a few older articles popping up lately. https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/02/03/jared-kushner-palestinians-have-never-done-anything-right-in-their-sad-pathetic-lives/ There should be some consistency here.